1998 Ford Escort Keyless Entry Remote Fob Programming Instructions

1998 Ford Escort Keyless Entry Remote Fob Programming Instructions


There are a few different procedures that will program your remotes depending on what vehicle that you have. You can find your exact procedure in your owners manual. If you do not have your owners manual you can try any of the procedures below until you find the one that works for your vehicles
Make sure that you don't press the brake pedal at any time during or before the procedure.
Procedure A:

1.Close all doors, then open drivers door and press the Unlock button on driver's door while it is open, insert key into ignition.
2.Turn ignition from OFF to RUN 8 times within 8 seconds, with the 8th time ending in RUN. Door locks will cycle to confirm programming mode. (if the door locks do not cycle, then it was done incorrectly. You must start over by removing key and beginning from step 1)
(Off is the position where you can remove your key, RUN is the position just shy of starting your car.)
3.Within 10 seconds press any button on the first keyless remote to be programmed. Door locks will cycle to confirm programming. If you only have one remote then skip to step 5.
4.Within 10 seconds, press any button on the second keyless remote. Door locks will cycle again to confirm programming. Repeat step 4. for all other remotes.
5.Turn ignition to OFF. Locks will again cycle to indicate end of programming mode.
*If this does not work try the procedure with the door closed.
Procedure B:

1. Fasten seatbelt and close all doors
2. Turn the ignition from OFF to RUN 4 times within 3 seconds.
3. Turn the ignition OFF. The system will chime to confirm programming mode.
4. Within 10 seconds, press and hold any button on first keyless remote. The system will chime once to confirm programming.
5. Within 10 seconds, press and hold any button on second keyless remote. System will chime once to confirm programming.
6. Turn ignition to RUN to exit programming mode.

Please Note: All steps should be performed in fairly rapid succession. If you never get the initial chime or door lock cycle, that means the vehicle has never entered programming mode. You should remove key from ignition, open and close the door and start over.
Here is an example of how to program a ford key fob

1998 Ford Escort Transponder Key Programming Instructions

Do-It-Yourself programming procedure is not available for this vehicle. This vehicle requires a diagnostic equipment to be connected to the vehicle to program the key. You will need to find a local automotive locksmith or a dealer to program this key.

Use our Locksmith Search if you need professional help.
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